Philippe Duverge
Two things led me to think that God must really exist.
Nature and love.
Observation of nature occupied me from childhood. I have always liked to linger in a meadow to watch the ants "milking" the aphids, chasing the grasshoppers to admire their colorful wings or to unearth a cricket from its burrow using a twig.
Rather than pin the butterflies, I preferred to photograph them. This is how I started macro photography as a teenager. I discovered the world of the mountains thanks to holidays spent skiing or hiking with my parents. These majestic landscapes me laissent rêveur.
The world of birds gives me wings.
The furry critters intrigue me with their lifestyles and I like to meet them.
During my studies (I had a scientific training), I learned like most of us that everything I observed, et qui m'enthusiasmait_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_so much, would only the result of chance and a slow evolution. -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_another look at this natural world. I have come to believe that it was truly created by a wonderful person: Jesus Christ. "Everything is created by him and for him. Christ exists before all things, and all that exists subsists only through him." The Bible.
This is why I sign my photos as follows: Glory to Jesus.
So I suggest two things:
By unveiling these images, I hope to share with you a little of the wonder I feel in the presence of these live shows, always renewed. Indeed, given the state of our planet I feel privileged and wish to share this privilege with you.
But even more, if I could make you want to discover the author of what we call nature, in reality its creation, I would be really satisfied. Car I know that you would also discover, at the same time, true love.
Regard Croisé is therefore an opportunity to bring un regard different to the nature around us.
It is also the possibility of coming across unsuspected or usually hidden or fleeting looks.